Lifesavers 2021: CJ&D’s Guide to Lawsuits that Protect Us All describes over 125 lawsuits that have led to major safety improvements benefiting large numbers of people, spanning over 50 years. Cases have resulted in changes such as the redesign or recall of a product, a safer hospital procedure, better and safer law enforcement, a more secure public area, the bankruptcy of a hate group, the protection of sexually-abused children, and a cleaner environment.
This report’s release coincides with several national crises: the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of violent hate groups, and policing misconduct. It shows how civil lawsuits have helped mitigate each one of these crises by making workplaces safer, bankrupting hate groups, and changing policing practices. Lifesavers shows why weakening the civil justice system with “tort reform,” immunity laws, and privatized justice, such as “forced arbitration,” is dangerous.