No� on Initiative 1082: Changing state�s workers comp system would hurt employers, reduce benefits, The Columbian, October 13, 2010 -
State delays setting workers' comp rates, The Olympian, September 16, 2010 -
Report Backs State-Run Comp Over Privatization, WorkCompCentral, September 15, 2010
Liability Labs, Hospitals & Health Networks, May 2010 Issue
It's insurance that needs to be reformed, Athens Banner-Herald, February 21, 2010
Consumer group says tort cost estimates are �highly exaggerated�, Insurance & Financial Advisor, February 8, 2010
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Americans for Insurance Reform, 90 Broad St., Suite 401,
New York, NY 10004; Phone: 212/267-2801; Fax: 212/459-0919
(AIR is a project of the Center for Justice & Democracy)